Friday, March 14, 2008

No More Cast For Tru!

Yesterday was the day! Tru finally had his cast removed. He had learned to crawl, scoot, and pull up in the cast. In the last few days he started climbing up the stairs in the kitchen. He also learned to use his cast to step on your toes if he wanted to get past you. From personal experience I can tell you that his methods were very effective!!

This is the last photo of Tru with his cast. He was playing in the waiting area while we were waiting to be called to the casting room. The waiting room was quite full and there were people sitting all around us. I told Tru to say “cheese” for the camera. He looked up and said “teeze” and I snapped this shot. In unison all of the people around us sighed an “ahhh”.
In the background you see Dallas’ niece Ann K. She has been kind enough to help me with Tru this week. Thanks Anna K!

Finally it was Tru’s turn in the casting room. You could almost hear the loud cast saw buzzing over Tru’s screaming! In about two minutes the cast was off and Tru was staring at his leg. He was looking from leg to leg trying to figure out exactly what was different between the two. He seemed concerned about his leg but did not want to touch it. Even though the cast saw was long gone Tru was still upset. Then he spotted Anna K’s cup of sweet tea. She handed it over to him and he did not stop until he had drained the cup. The cup, which was almost as big as he was, was half full when he started.

We hung out in the casting room while drinking tea, taking photos, and listening to the little girl on the other side of the curtain screaming while we waited to see Tru’s surgeon. Tru’s leg looks great. It is completely healed but most of the stitches are still in. They will eventually fall out on their own. The surgeon came by for a quick visit and gave us the necessary referral for physical therapy and the prosthesis. Then we were off to the prosthesis facility. Tru was measured and we discussed the type of prosthesis he will be receiving. Of course Tru did not want anyone to touch him but it was all very interesting and exciting.

Next stop – pick up Lin-Ley from school. On the way home we stopped for dinner. The main priority for Lin-Ley was to eat as quickly as possible so that she could fix her chocolate ice cream with sprinkles at the dessert bar. Once Tru saw her ice cream he begged for it. He has never had chocolate ice cream before. I fixed him his own bowl complete with sprinkles. Let’s just say he liked it enough to eat every last bite.

“Shout it from the mountain tops! I love chocolate ice cream!!”

Anna K and Lin-Ley.

Lin-Ley reminds Anna K constantly that they are cousins.

And finally Tru was able to take his first bath in three weeks!!

Now we wait for the prosthesis facility and the insurance company to agree on the proper procedures and equipment for Tru’s care. After the approval, which could take up to two weeks, it will take two to three weeks to make Tru’s first leg. Until then he will be a scooter again. We are almost there!!


Becky, Drew and Luci said...

Yay Tru! Almost there! Better watch out Lin-ley, you think he chases you now!

Dan and Tina said...

Happy Day for Tru!

The incision site looks fantastic!! They certainly did work.
It won't be long! Just think, 2 or 3 weeks after his prosthesis is on, he'll probably be running circles around everyone!!!