Thursday, January 27, 2011

Five-O's New Tricks

Dallas made it into work today (although he should not have) but the kids and I have been "snowed in".  We all stayed in our pj's, watched movies, and had a few snacks. As you will see Lin-Ley chose to accessorize her pj's with a fashionable winter scarf.
Lin-Ley took this opportunity to work with Five-O.  Dallas and Lin-Ley have been introducing one new trick a week.  This is what she has mastered to date:

So cute!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Day Tomorrow

We woke this morning to two inches of snow.
Lin-Ley's school was closed and Tru's school was open until 4PM.
Lin-Ley and I went into my office for a while and then picked up Tru.

On the way home it began snowing again. It is a driving wet snow.

We are expecting five to eight more inches tonight!

The roads are already bad as we had to encourage Rocket (our van) up some of the hills near our home.

Upon his arrival at home Dallas told the kids to bundle up and they were soon loading onto the sled.

Five-O got a ride as well.

Trying to catch snowflakes.
Even Five-O's mouth is open.

It is always a good time to swing on the tree rope.

The snow was so wet and driving so hard that ten minutes was as long as the kids (and Dallas) could take it.

Let it snow!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lin-Ley The Equestrian

During her winter break, Lin-Ley attended horse riding camp. This was her first experience with horses and she is now absolutely in love with them!

I took a break from work to see her horse riding skills. She was never without a huge smile!

Within minutes of my arrival she and her horse, Harley, were showing off some new tricks:

Then they started riding backwards! Lin-Ley was holding on for dear life. She was smiling but she was scared!

Look at that smile!

All done riding.

Taking Harley back to the stables.

I also met Gremlin...

and Navajo.

I wonder if Lin-Ley enjoyed horse riding camp...

The smile says it all!

Quote Of The Day:
by Lin-Ley
"When I grow up I'm going to be a horse rider. And a vet. Or maybe a spy. Maybe I will be a vet AND a spy."