Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tru's New Legs (#5, #6, & #7) !!!

Tru received Leg #5 in Feb, 2012. As usual, he was not so excited as he typically does not like change.

After Leg #5 this was the line-up from Baby Red Leg (his first leg) to Leg #5.

Finally, Tru received his newest leg today. #6. This is the longest stretch of time between new prosthetic legs. It is quiet and perfect. He loves it. His older legs have had knees that made a good deal of noise each time he took a step. They drew attention, simply due to the noise they made, which has been making him very self-conscious lately. This leg is stealth! He already calls it his new "Spy Leg" because it is so quiet and he can now sneak up on people.

The even bigger news is that Tru received a running blade today. It was donated from the manufacturer complete with a Nike running shoe! What an unexpected treat. Tru was hesitant, as usual, but he really likes it. It is light-weight and "springy" he says.

We had to take it out for a spin. It is obvious he is smiling while running.

"Check it out Mom!"

The new legs will be sleeping very near Tru tonight. He has them tucked right under his bed where he can lean over and catch a glimpse. He is very proud! We are so happy for him!!

Check out Tru's very first steps on his Baby Red Leg:
(He has come so far!)

Tru's First Steps - Link

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