Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tooth Fairy Double Whammy

It all started with an apple....
Lin-Ley has had a loose front, top tooth for weeks and weeks. She refuses to let me pull it. This morning on the way to school she was eating an apple and I heard a "crack". She was silent for a few moments then announced that her tooth was very loose. Later, upon inspection, I discovered it was her bottom tooth that had not even been loose before the apple did its magic.
Tru discovered his first loose tooth last weekend. He has been excited but was not considering letting me pull it. Until tonight....
Two kids, two teeth, double the loot.

Lin-Ley went first and bravely allowed me to pull her tooth so that Tru could see that it "does not hurt". She was genuinely excited (and surprised) when it finally popped out.
Tru was not having anything to do with it! After some "the Tooth Fairy will come tonight" coaxing he finally opened his mouth. After three attempts the tooth was out. Then we howled and cried for ten minutes afterward because of the residual blood.

Here is Tru's cute little mouth with its first missing tooth.

Lin-Ley wrote notes for each of them to leave for the Tooth Fairy. She wrote Tru's note and had him sign his name to it.

Not only did she write notes but she left an extra piece of paper with each one so that the Tooth Fairy would write a note back to them!

Not to be outdone, Five-O recently lost a tooth as well.

Of course, for some reason, we still have her tooth too.

Lin-Ley wrote this note to the Tooth Fairy on Five-O's behalf. A few days later the Tooth Fairy found time to stop by our house and leave Five-O a new dog toy. The kids were thrilled to learn that the Tooth Fairy made stops for dogs too.

Speaking of teeth... In February I chaperoned a field trip with Tru's school to the National Museum of Dentistry in Baltimore.
There, to my surprise, was President George Washington's teeth. That's right, the teeth of the first president of the United States. And here they are:

Note: George Washington's teeth were NOT wooden. They were made out of rhino and elephant ivory.
Did you know?
When George Washington became our president he only had one tooth in his mouth.
When he left office he had a mouth full of teeth. (See above.)

And now you know....

1 comment:

Becky, Drew and Luci said...

I'll refrain from telling Drew that the Tooth Fairy made a stop at your house for Five-O since she never came for Mr. Darcy!!! Ha ha!!