Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Latest With Lin-Ley

Lin-Ley has had many questions about Heaven lately. The whole concept of Heaven amazes her and has sparked quite a few questions. So we will start there with her latest observations:

* “Mom, why does it rain all of the time?” My explanation was that God knows that the flowers, tree and grass need water to grow so He sends rain.
Several weeks later we were getting ready to leave for school / work and I told Lin-Ley to wear her tennis shoes rather than her sandals because it was going to rain that day. Later, in the car, Lin-Ley asked, “Mom, how do you know it is going to rain today?” I told her that I had heard the weather man’s report on the radio that morning. Then she put two and two together and said, “Does he live in Heaven with God?”

* Several days before the end of school I picked up Lin-Ley one afternoon and the first thing she said once we reached the van was, “Mom, am I just the perfect kid for you and Daddy?” Of my answer was an enthusiastic Yes! Then she added, “You needed a beautiful, beautiful, beau-ti-ful little girl and here I am!”

* Dallas’ birthday is coming up and Lin-Ley asked him several weeks ago what he wanted for his birthday. He quickly answered, “I want another baby.” (For the record - he was just joking.) Without even having to think about it Lin-Ley answered, “No Daddy! We are NOT having any more babies!!!”

Lin-Ley and her classmates participated in the recent graduation ceremony at her Chinese School. They each recited verses (in Chinese) of a poem about Mother’s Day. Lin-Ley was the second performer.

She walked out on stage, recited the first two sentences, stopped, looked into the audience and smiled, put her hand on her hip and said (in English), “I don’t remember the rest.” The audience loved it and started laughing and clapping. Then she gave a little bow and passed the hand held microphone to the next classmate.

Somehow Lin-Ley had convinced her teacher to give her a headset with a microphone. She thought she was something!

Hope you had a nice 4th of July. It was a quiet holiday for us but we managed to hit a local parade. I did not get many photos because Tru refused to stand or sit still more than about 20 seconds at a time.

Here Tru takes a quick seat and offers me some grass. He spent the entire parade picking blades of grass and bringing them to us to eat. Pretending to eat is one of his favorite activities lately. Apparently our DVD player has some delicious food inside of it because he visits it daily and brings Lin-Ley and me pretend food which we must eat.

Lin-Ley strikes a pose with her friend Jordyn.

Happy Independence Day!

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