Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year Daddy!

The kids danced and played around tonight before bedtime making Daddy a video with their Happy New Year greeting:

Then Lin-Ley decided that a salute to the soldier boys and girls would be a good ending to her "show":

Who said Tru could not walk and twirl a baton (or flute)?!
He continues to amaze!!!



Becky, Drew and Luci said...

Oh my gosh! I actually gasped when I saw him standing!! How cool! And then when he took some steps! Very nice! Lin-Ley looks like she loves her cutie-pie brother very much! Happy New Year to you all! Please hand out the hugs and kisses for me!

Dan and Tina said...

Jody, How absolutely adorable!!!!!! I bet Daddy is playing those videos over and over and over again!! I know I am!
Tru is just amazing and Lin-Ley is just a beam of sunshine!
Best wishes!