Monday, July 30, 2007

Meet Tru

We flew from Beijing to Lanzhou on Sunday and arrived at the hotel at 9:30PM. We were supposed to meet Tru on Monday afternoon. Well... surprise!! Tru was at the hotel waiting for us. We got into our room, tried to arrange our bags and then the director and Tru's nanny came in and handed Tru to us. He was not very happy. He was all frowns and there were a few tears. His nanny had to leave the room so he would not be upset. I (Jody) was able to take him without must hesitation. When any of us got close to him or offered him a toy he pushed us away. However, he instantly liked the stacking cups we brought. He began stacking and unstacking them. He is very talented! The toys helped as everyone left us alone in the room.

Tru kept his head down all night and would not look up at us. When he did look up he was frowning.
It was very late by this time. We gave him a bath (which he did not like!) and put on his pajamas. We offered him a bottle and he just pushed it away. We all got into bed, and turned out the lights. Tru cried for about five minutes and we all slept until 6AM. Not too bad - we were really expecting him to be upset.
Lin-Ley was very excited. The instant they brought him in she was speaking to him and offering him every toy we had brought. She wanted to bath him by herself and she wanted to feed him. I think she has been a big help with his adjustment. The most important thing is that she is our "big helper" and that makes her feel special.

1 comment:

Dan and Tina said...

Tru's little scowl cracks me up!