Monday, April 27, 2015

Finally, Crosse Goes To School

Today was Crosse's first day of school.  Finally!  He has had no routine for the past two weeks.  Now, he will have a routine.  A purpose for waking each morning.  (Well, let's not get carried away...)

This morning he understood where we were going but he was clearly nervous.  That is perfectly understandable!  I assured him many times that I would be back at 3:00 to pick him up and bring him home. 

For the past week we have tried to leave no questions unanswered - even if he did not ask the questions.  We went over the school cafeteria menu (in great detail), agreed he would bring a supplementary snack of his choosing, picked out his clothes for his first day (mom clearly still does not understand his style preferences) and discussed tomorrow's events again and again.  And again.

When I did return to get him, his teacher wanted to know if he enjoyed school.  I asked him and he said "no".  Once we were home, I ask what he did at school.  His answer, "nothing".  Typical answers for any kid.

Later he told us school was "good".  He has not said he did not want to go back, so we will take that as a positive! 

Today was my first day home alone.  Alone.  I may have done nothing (quite a bit) today.  Shhhh!
(I could get used to this Family Leave.)

I could not get a photo of Crosse on his first day of school.  Asking him to stand in front of his new school, in a new country with his new red backpack would have been asking a little too much of our Crosse.  Instead, a photo opportunity was delivered to our home today.  We received a beautiful Edible Arrangements.  The card states, "Congratulations on the new addition to your family."  The sender is currently a mystery.  So, whoever was kind enough to send this gift to our family, we Thank You!

Behold - Crosse's "First Day of School" photo:

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