Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Gotcha Day Lin-Ley!

It was eight years ago... 
Dallas and I began our trip to China on Feb. 28, 2003.
We had no sleep for around 36 hours.
Finally, we arrived at our hotel in Changsha on March 2, 2003 ready to drop from exhaustion.
To our surprise our baby girl was waiting for us at the hotel. 
Dallas spotted her as soon as we entered the lobby.
We rushed to our room, dropped off our luggage and reported to the banquet room where we received our bundle of joy.

Happy Gotcha Day Lin-Ley!

We L-O-V-E you!!

1 comment:

Becky, Drew and Luci said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!!!! And Happy Adoption Day today!! I can't believe how fast time flies! I must have blinked! What a wonderful journey it has been, though!