Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Video For The Docs

Tru has a big appointment tomorrow at the Limb Deficiency Clinic. Lisa, his physical therapist, wanted to show the doctors Tru's progress in therapy as well as with his new leg and knee. This was the best way to give the doctors access to the video.

So... without further delay... here is Tru with his new leg and his new knee (which he is using quite well!). I hear the theme music from "Rocky" when I watch this video...


By the way - April 1st is a memorable day:
It was 18 years ago today that Dallas arrived home from the first Gulf War (4/1/1991).


Becky, Drew and Luci said...

Go Tru! Good for you! (Makes me tired just watching him!)

Dan and Tina said...

Wow!!! That's fantastic! Remarkable little man you've got there!