Friday, June 6, 2008

Photo Essay About Tru

Jonathan Hanson is the photo-journalist that has been following Tru’s progress between his amputation and receiving his prosthesis and walking. While he is still working on the story for the newspaper publication he has created a picture package / essay on his website about Tru. These are not necessarily the photos that will be used in the article. Actually Jonathan told me that he has taken over 2,000 photos of Tru.
(Just for the record – the photo of me sitting on top of Tru is my attempt to brush his teeth. Yes, this method is quite necessary!)

To see Jonathan’s photos click on this link:

Then click "porfolios"
Then click "essays/picture packages"
Then click "Tru"


Renee said...

The pictures are so beautiful. He does great work and Tru makes a great subject.

Becky, Drew and Luci said...

That last photo of Tru swinging was just awesome! The look on his face is priceless!

Dan and Tina said...

For whatever reason I can't access the pics :-(
I'll keep trying.

I can empathize with you as far as holding Tru down. I had to do the same thing with Sonja and have repeated the method with Max. Thank God Sonja is much better about me "helping" her. Dan "helps" Max mostly now due to Max's strength.