Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Snowiest Winter (Literally) - Continued

It is being reported that we have received 77.3 inches of snow since December. This has been the snowiest winter on record for Maryland.


Waist high?

Fence high?



Our neighbor getting his tractor stuck while trying to plow their driveway.

Neighbors helping neighbors.


Dallas and Lin-Ley always make sure the birds have birdseed. But the supply was running low and the snow had covered the seeds that were there (on top of the rabbit cage). (We do not have a bunny right now but plan to have another eventually.) We were out of bird seed. What else could we feed the birds?

Do birds like Chocolate Cheerios?

They were on their way to make a special delivery.

9 out of 9 birds agree. Chocolate Cheerios are a perfect balance of whole grain goodness and a delicious touch of chocolate taste.


The delirium set in around 3PM yesterday. I stayed busy with the mop and vacuum cleaner most of the day. Lin-Ley and Tru were cleaning messing up their rooms in between running from the vacuum. Dallas stayed busy with snow related activities. But enough was enough. We were bored and some interesting things started to happen.

DISCLAIMER: The kids dressed themselves. I make no excuses. (Remember we were in a state of delirium!)

There was much amusing singing and dancing….

We had to keep it upbeat. Wynonna sang “Hunk of Burning Love”, Shania sang “I Feel Like a Women” and of course there was Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”.

And now a short snippet of the kids and their dancing:


Dallas and Lin-Ley have been teaming up in their request for a dog. Tru and I are not on board with that idea. But today along came trouble. Literally.

This is Trouble. (Yes, that is her real name.) She showed up at our house today as Dallas was cleaning off the vehicles again. Dallas, never having met Trouble, instantly started giving her commands (sit, shake, etc.) to which she instantly performed. For that she received a piece of sausage and a safe waiting area in our basement until her owner came by looking for her. Nice doggy – but Tru and I have not given in yet.


We did not need anything but we needed to get out. Thank you Target for being open! There was one wrinkle, however. They did not have any popcorn. Oh the travesty!

But across the street…. How could we resist?

Dallas’ office is still closed tomorrow. He has had the whole week off. Lin-Ley’s school is closed until next Tuesday. Tomorrow Tru will return to school and Lin-Ley will go to a local church just to get out of the house. I will be back at work as well.

P.S. We are hearing a nasty rumor that we could be receiving more snow next week. Have mercy!

P.S.S. To those of you in Louisiana, have fun in the snow. Learn from my mistake. Stock up on junk food!

P.S.S.S. For those of you in upstate New York, there is something wrong about this snow situation….

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

Here we go again!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Digging Out

The first challenge was getting the snow blower out and started.

Then once it was out the question was where to start!

View from the kitchen window.
Dallas started on the driveway.

After removing some snow around the vehicles Dallas started cleaning off Rocket.

The truck.

The car.

Down the road.

Up the road.

Tru helped clean off the trash cans.

Dallas finally made it all the way to the road. Actually the road was not clear yet so in this photo Dallas was almost standing in the middle of the road.

There is still plenty more snow!

View of our house from the road.

P.S. We are expecting 6-10 inches more of snow tomorrow evening!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our Winter Wonderland

The headlines read, "Baltimore's greatest two-day snowfall".

We have had an historic snow fall over the past 24 hours. We have around 3 feet of snow and there is a chance of more tonight.
Obviously all of our weekend activities (including church services) have been canceled and schools closed early yesterday.

This was our view from the front door this morning.

Back deck.

Dallas trying to get out of the basement door.

Outside the back door.

Above the back door.

Dallas tries to save the tree limbs by removing the snow.

Looks like this limb is broken due to the weight of the snow.

View from our bedroom.
In this photo is Dallas' car and my van however they are completely covered.
Dallas starts to clean Rocket (the van).

The kids were ready to go out and play.

Dallas shoveled a pathway from the front porch.

He also dug out a snow tunnel. He demonstrated it first.

Then Lin-Ley gave it a try.

More to come....