During the gift discovery and unwrapping Dallas and I were in constant computer failure. We do not know if the problem was at this end or that end but he did not see or hear much of Christmas morning. Unfortunately due to the computer problems I did not get much video and no pictures until later in the day. We finally gave up on the computer and I called Dallas’ cell phone.
It was around 4PM his time and he had been visiting with his crew making sure everyone was ok. It was a rather depressing day for everyone there and many had a very, very tough day. However as you can see from this photo of their conference room table, many friends, family and even some strangers have been very generous by sending gifts and goodies to their offices.
After playtime, breakfast, playtime, lunch and playtime... it was rest time. We have to call it rest time rather than nap time because a certain 5-year-old never wants to take a nap. So Tru napped, I tried to nap and Lin-Ley “rested” in between her visits to my room to ask if it was time to wake up yet! After rest time it was play time again. While the kids were occupied I decided to go upstairs and wash the bed sheets. First Lin-Ley’s room – now I mentioned some naughty behavior in the first sentence – remember?....
So I lifted Lin-Ley’s pillow and found many small toys underneath. That is nothing unusual. However I saw lots of shiny paper amongst the toys. I counted and there were 14 pieces of shiny paper to be exact. Well… the shiny paper turned out to be gum wrappers. (Santa had brought Lin-Ley some gum in her stocking.) I called Lin-Ley up to her room. Before she even took the first step up the stairs she asked, “Am I in trouble?” She walked in and I showed her the gum wrappers. She grinned and looked down. I asked her if she chewed all of the gum. She said yes. I asked where the gum was and she pointed to her stomach. She swallowed 14 pieces of gum!! I have no idea what she was thinking but I guess she enjoyed rest time!
Speaking of the little angel, Lin-Ley made Dallas and me a Christmas card at school. I took these photos of the card to send Dallas.
Given her age and the fact that she is only in Kindergarten I thought the spelling was pretty good! (You can click on the photo to enlarge it and then click the “back” button to get back to this page.)
Priceless! (And yes Lin-Ley, we are already planning a family vacation to the Happiest Place on Earth immediately upon Daddy’s return!)
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