The guys and girls at Dallas' office have been trying to get into the holiday spirit but being away from their loved ones makes it a challenge. They have decorated as much as they can but will likely have a very quiet, somber Christmas.
We mailed Dallas' Christmas package last week and he received it in less than one week. As soon as he received it he emailed me and asked what he could unwrap now because he could not wait. The next morning he told me he "may have" opened all of the gifts.
I told Lin-Ley about this and she said she was going to give Daddy a "whooping" when he got back from his trip. Then she asked how Santa was going to find Daddy. How was he going to find Daddy's world? I told her Santa is able to visit everyone no matter where they are. I told her that I thought Santa used magic. She said, "No mom. Santa uses a sleigh!" Very clever!

Angel Piggy
P.S. When we got home today Lin-Ley went straight to the presents under the tree. She said she wanted to open them now. I reminded her that we have to wait until Christmas morning. She instantly became teary and said, "But Daddy got to open all of his presents!" Bad Daddy!
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