Thursday, June 23, 2016

Lin-Ley is 14!


Look at our Spicy China Baby! Our baby turned 14 today!!
For her birthday she got a trip to Louisiana (total coincidence) and in the middle of the Atlanta airport she received her "big" gift - a new (to her) iPhone.
Although she was expecting this gift, she was still very excited and pounced on it to make it her own.
First stop in Pride was to see Mama Shirley and Papa Bill. They were waiting with a cake.
Later, she tried Papa Cowboy's hat. To wrap up a long day, she and the boys spent some time in the pool, more time with her phone, Blue Bell ice cream (thanks to our favorite cousins and most gracious hosts - The Flottes) and much to my dismay, she and I became friends on social media today. *sigh* Don't forget the birthday whooping from Papa Bill. We love you Toots! Happy Birthday!!!

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