Gotcha Day

Crosse wrote us many notes in Chinese the first few days. Our interpreter/photographer, Lin-Ley, was a huge help with initial communications.

Adoption Day lunch with our guide, Anthony.

Brothers and their video games.

New clothes. Crosse was not interested in any clothes other than the ones he was wearing (day-after-day). Finally, we convinced him this store was from America. That was all it took.

Keeping with the American theme.

By far, Crosse's favorite thing is his new Kindle and everything electronic. If we would let him, he would stay on it all day.
He has already downloaded software that allows him to video chat with his friends back at the orphanage. He gets so happy to see his friends!
I will attempt to add a video of Crosse video-chatting with his friend. You will see Crosse introduce Dallas as his dad and tell his friend he is American. You can see his friend give Dallas a thumbs-up (he approves) then he loses the connection.
Things are moving right along. Just not fast enough. We are ready to go home.
Next stop, Guangzhou.
Hello Herpin 5...I've been following the blog daily. Jodi your post have been very insightful, and also quite funny. I'm very excited to FINALLY see pictures of the family, and your daily adventures. Congratulations and Welcome to the family Crosse!
Great video! Things sound like they are going so well!!! Very excited for you all. Please tell Crosse, he has new friends waiting for him!!!
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