Tru turned 3 on November 12th. How time is flying!

Since Tru does not like cake or cupcakes I thought I would buck tradition with a chocolate chip cookie cake.

When Dallas and I arrived at his school for his party this is what he thought of his cake.
His teachers warned me that he was already sad because they had forced him to go potty before we arrived. Oh the drama!

All of the other children were anxious about the cake (cookie) and ice cream. Tru just kept asking if we could go home. He was very anxious that we were going to leave without him.
The poor little guy just wanted to leave - forget the party!

"OK Daddy. I have my cookie, ice cream and spoon. You hold my juice box and let's make a run for it!"

Look at that face!

Tru's classmates almost finished off the cookie cake so we needed another cake for our family celebration that evening. Dallas picked up an ice cream cake on the way home. Tru has been very into trains lately so the candles and the cake topper finally seemed to spark some interest. However he still had no interest in actually eating any of his birthday cake. But... he did show some interest in wearing it....

With some help from Dallas, Tru was soon decorated with icing. He finally started having some fun!

And Lin-Ley too!!

Time for presents. We are keeping it simple so Mom and Dad gave Tru only two gifts.
First there was Chicken Dance Elmo. Elmo was an instant hit!
Tru hit the button repeatedly to see Elmo dance and sing,
"Elmo wants to be a chicken, Elmo wants to be a chicken."

Next up it was the Wonder Pets and their fly boat. The kids have watched some Wonder Pets videos and Tru picked up their theme song and was singing it for two weeks before his birthday. He was very excited to see the Wonder Pets.

But Elmo won top prize.
Tru and Lin-Ley practiced their chicken dance the rest of the evening.

In the end Tru finally did enjoy his birthday. Happy, Happy Birthday Big Boy!!!
It's great to see how he has blossomed since coming home with you all. He has made great strides from being that little boy that didn't want to smile, to a boy who's smile can light a room!
What a fantastic journey!
The Greens- Tina, Dan, Sonja and Max
Happy Birthday Buddy!!
Happy Birthday to Tru! Looks like he had a great one.
I noticed that you have Heifer International as one of your fav sites. That IS a great organization. I think UNICEF also has a similar program (as well as another who's name escapes me right now).
Great addition to your site and absolutely a worthy cause!!!
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