His first day after receiving the prosthesis he had PT. He did very well and was especially excited about finally being able to use the treadmill.
He put on his leg Saturday morning and we took Lin-Ley to gymnastics. While we were at the gym he stood and balanced on it and eventually decided that all of the little girls were having lots of fun running around. He motioned for me to take his hand and he took off toward the girls. Since chasing the girls Tru has began to appreciate his leg and what it can do. On Sunday he finally reached for it and wanted to put it on!
On Monday I had to drop off the prosthesis for some adjustments so unfortunately he could not practice that evening. But... Tuesday he wore it to school for the first time. He walked right into the classroom (holding my hand of course), ignored everyone praising his new walking skills, and started climbing the stairs to the small slide in the classroom. He needed help figuring out how to step up/down and stand up once he slid down it but he was determined to master the slide immediately. His physical therapist, Lisa, visited him at the school later that morning. She said he did fantastic and was trying to also master the outdoor, big kid slide. He was going up the stairs and down the slide as quickly as he could. If nothing else he is determined!
Today Tru went for PT and Lisa put a small walker in front of him. Without hesitation he grabbed the handles and took off across the room. Lisa and I just looked at each other in total shock. When he walked all the way to the end wall he simply picked up the walker, moved it in the direction he wanted to go next and took off. We just stared at each other again and laughed. He was off and there was no stopping him. So we took it outside where Tru walked up and down the sidewalk in front of the offices. Lisa and I just followed him. He did not want any help! While we were outside Lisa said, "Well, I can not believe how well he is doing. You can take this walker with you so he can use it at school and at home. Also, I can't believe it, but he is totally ready for a functioning knee. I will email Mark today and tell him."
Here is a clip of Tru with his walker about 3 minutes after he tried it for the first time. (I could have had a better clip but my camera battery died!)
Go Tru - Go Tru
Go, Tru, go!!! There's no stopping him now! Look out!
That is just wonderful! That's the great thing about little kids having these procedures done; they seem to take it all in stride and just go with it. Too bad we can't all be that way, huh?
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