New York City has always been a favorite destination for Dallas and me. We love the energy, sites and especially visiting the Statue of Liberty. The first time I saw her, as we rode across the water on the ferry much like all of the immigrants did so many years ago, she brought tears to my eyes. She is one of the true symbols of America and everything this country stands for.
When Lin-Ley came along we decided to name her after Lady Liberty. Therefore Lin-Ley became Lin-Ley Liberty.
Then here came Tru. He too was named after Lady Liberty. Tru's middle name is Zi-You. Zi you means liberty in Chinese.
However, until this past weekend, our children had never laid eyes on their namesake. (Bad parents!) I had a wild idea during the middle of last week that we should just go and take the kids to New York already! Why wait any longer? The thought was there but we had taken no real action to plan the trip.
Thursday rolled around and I decided to play around on to see if I could find a cheap hotel on the New Jersey side of Liberty Island. Of course, on Priceline if they find the hotel at the price you have agreed to pay you just bought yourself a hotel room. Without any expectations I agreed to pay the ridiculously low price of $80/night for a 4-star hotel. Price accepted! And with the click of my computer mouse we were on our way!
We left Friday after Lin-Ley was done at school, spent the night in a brand new, luxurious hotel that night and Saturday morning is was all about Lady Liberty! Finally!

We were on the first ferry of the morning.
This is the old train station (now the ferry station) where the immigrants, after their time at Ellis Island, were able to board trains to their ultimate destination in their new country.

The ferry's first stop was at Ellis Island.

Another view of Ellis Island.

There she was! Lin-Ley's first view of The Lady.
It was a wee bit sunny!

Lin-Ley strikes a pose with Lady Liberty.
(Every time we went to take her photo she would stick her arm up in the air to imitate the statue.)

Tru's turn. Not sure what he is doing here....

Dallas and the kids against the New York skyline.

Tru is still fascinated with pipes. He explained to us that water came out of this pipe.
Then he pretended the pipe was his camera. He kept yelling at us to smile at his camera.

Our little monkey.
One of our little monkeys.

Our cousin, Becky, just moved to NYC about three weeks earlier. She was able to meet us at Liberty Island.

We had to call it a day around 3PM.
One last look at Lady Liberty as we ride the Ferry back to the train station.

Inside the restored train station.

The abandoned train tracks.
If you are planning to visit the Statue of Liberty here are some tips:
1. You must buy a ticket to enter the Statue now. Last time we were there this was not necessary. It is suggested to buy your tickets ahead of time online. Here is the website: Backpacks and large purses are not allowed inside the Statue. There are lockers available but they go fast. You can take your cameras with you.
3. Be prepared for at least two security scans. You will go through security at the ferry station. Once on Liberty Island you can walk around the Statue freely. If you have a ticket to enter the Statue you will have a wait because security is quite extensive. We have never seen anything quite like that! Tru was scared to death.
4. Go early. The lines get long fast!
5. Warning - lunch on the island is expensive. But surprisingly good!
Quote of the Day:By: Lin-Ley (before boarding the ferry)
"Why do they call it a ferry if there are no fairies on it?"