For the third year Aunt Diane and Uncle Ted sent us a beautiful Gingerbread House. It is too pretty to eat. But we have taken it to the church for Christmas Eve services each year and the kids have no problem tearing it apart.
So off we went to the Christmas Eve services with Gingerbread House in hand.
All of the children in Chinese classes at the church performed in a skit. They all spoke in Chinese about the meaning of Christmas. Unfortunately, due to the snow storm last week, they never had a real rehearsal so they were allowed to read their lines.
"Hi Mom and Dad!"
Dallas even got into the act by singing with the English Sunday School class.
Once we returned home it was time for a quick bath and then straight to bed. Santa was on his way!
But first the kids left cookies and milk for Santa as well as a mini bale of hay for the reindeer.
Santa delivered!
Gifts to and from one another as well as many loved ones down south.
Thank you to everyone!!!

Last year Santa surprised us with a trip to Disney World. This year we all received tickets to see "The Princess and the Frog". Dallas' ticket said that he had to buy everyone popcorn!
Other than the voo-doo plot (which was a little dark) the movie was very, very good. The New Orleans background was beautiful! And the food, even though it was animated, looked wonderful. Etoufee, gumbo, jambalya, sauce piquante, and oh those beignets! It made us want to fly home to Louisiana immediately!
The poster for our movie was not available so the kids posed by Alvin and The Chipmunks.
Lesson learned: Tru is not ready for, nor is he interested in, going to the movies. He did not sit down at all and when the popcorn ran out he was distraught. Luckily there were not many people in the theatre.
Lin-Ley's most anticipated Christmas gift was the Cupcake Maker. The following day we finally broke it out of the box and made two cupcakes.
Ta-Da. The finished product....
Quote Of The Day:
At one of the after Christmas clearance sales Lin-Ley found a pink stocking that she wanted to make her own. I told her it did not look very Christmas-y. She told me,
"Mom, it does not matter what our stockings look like or what color they are. It only matters that we remember that it is Jesus' birthday."
The pink stocking was then placed in the shopping cart. End of story.