A couple weekends ago, as I was upstairs folding laundry, Dallas and the kids were outside on another adventure. It had been quite a while since they came inside in need of juice or snacks so I decided to check up on them. To my surprise Dallas had erected our tent (I'm not really sure why we have a tent!). Lin-Ley and Tru were having a ball just walking in and out of it.

We can not forget about Airborne. She is now approximately 115 years old (in people years). Dallas makes sure she is involved in all family activities.

It was getting dark out so Dallas decided to make a camp fire....

in the portable deck fire bowl....
Now... there was a tent, a fire, and it was getting dark. The next logical step would have been to roast marshmallows and/or make smores.
I raided the pantry and found: only miniature marshmallows (that could be a problem), a box of graham crackers (that was a surprise), and no chocolate (Strike One!).
Well... maybe we could try to roast the mini-marshmallows on a long fork. That did not work. Strike Two!
Then most of the marshmallows fell out of the bag onto the ground. And Tru instantly began eating them like they were the best snack he had ever eaten. Strike Three!

Well, they did not care. They enjoyed the backyard camping (for the two hours it lasted). Afterward we went inside for dinner and bed.
(That's my perfect version of camping out!)